Bulat Khusainov
I am an engineer with particular interest in control, embedded systems and reconfigurable computer architectures.
Prior to moving to industry I did PhD at Imperial College London. The project was concerned with optimal design of software and computational hardware for model-based predictive controllers. The thesis can be downloaded here.
If intrested in collaboration, please contact me using the links at the bottom of this page.
B. Khusainov, E. C. Kerrigan and G. A. Constantinides. Automatic Software and Computing Hardware Codesign for Predictive Control. In IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, July 2018.
B. Khusainov, E. C. Kerrigan, A. Suardi and G. A. Constantinides. Nonlinear predictive control on a heterogeneous computing platform. In Control Engineering Practice, June 2018.
H.A. Shukla, B. Khusainov, E.C. Kerrigan and C.N. Jones. Software and Hardware Code Generation for Predictive Control Using Splitting Methods. In Proceedings of IFAC World Congress, July 2017.
For the full list of publications please check my ORCID page.